We are delighted to partner with the Finovate2009 Conference. Finovate has arranged for us to provide services both to participants who have a completed demo to polish and to participants who could use more help.
For all Finovate 2009 participants, 154 Consulting will be a part of demoing companies’ required pre-conference preparation. After a first coaching session with Finovate staff, presenters are entitled to a feedback session with our principal, John Fishback (who comes from a financial services background). In these sessions, presenters will run through their demo and John will provide feedback on the demo’s overall message and structure.
You will be emailed after your first coaching session with the Finovate team to schedule your session with John via Tungle.com.
For companies seeking more support, Finovate has secured significantly reduced rates on our message development services.
For this special offer, 154 will help in crafting your message, structuring your demo, rewriting your script, and will also provide additional coaching sessions. One company that took advantage of our offer for FinovateStartup09 called our help "invaluable," and was one of the best in show winners.
We traditionally only accept message development clients for engagements that cover several months and multiple presentations, and require a retainer of several thousand dollars. For Finovate presenters, we are offering our help preparing your demo for a discounted flat fee of $800.
Participating companies seeking to take advantage of this message development offer are encouraged to indicate their interest by contacting John directly (888-743-1221 x 154) as soon as possible.